I’ve been following a number of discussions lately on more than one LinkedIn group that I’m a member of that have been focused on an important concern – namely the role of architecture and design in an Agile project. Many people that I’ve spoken with over the last few years are unclear how much or how little time should be spent on this activity, its relative importance to a team, and ultimately the benefit that it brings to a project. The participants in these recent discussions are asking the same questions. In this post, I will share my perspective on architecture’s role in an Agile team and how it has benefitted us on our current project. First, I’ll focus on three important things that can impact the answer.
Team Composition Impact on Architecture
A recurring theme amongst many of the discussion participants was team composition. More than once it was mentioned that a team of seasoned software developers could forego up front architectural work and “just start coding”. The architecture would then evolve sprint by sprint. Interestingly, no one discussed the scenario of a team composed of a significant percentage of more junior members.
Project Requirements’ Impact on Architecture
What I found most interesting in these discussions was the absence of emphasis on project requirements and the bearing that they may have on the need for architecture. Perhaps it was an oversight or perhaps it’s because there is little or no difference in need based on project requirements. I’m surprised because in my opinion the more complex a system is, the higher the need for a guiding architecture.
Delivery Timeline’s Impact on Architecture
Without question, nearly every team feels an intense level of pressure to deliver more in a shorter period of time with fewer bugs. It’s the universal facet of what we do – bringing business value to a company in the shortest time and in the most cost effective way. A number of participants in these discussions felt that the demand to drive out a product as quickly as possible made the concept of architecture impossible to consider. This feeling was often supported by arguments that the time spent on architecture would negatively impact the ability of the team to focus on the creation of functioning production code.
What’s the Right Answer?
One thing that I’ve found to be universally true is that no two teams and no two projects are exactly alike. And probably the greatest truth I’ve found in software development is that there is no silver bullet that will solve all of your challenges. What works extremely well on one team or for one project may be completely useless in another setting.
With that in mind, however, in my experience there are some recurring themes and enough similarities that I can say with some confidence that architectural activities in a project have proven to be more beneficial than harmful. Perhaps not to the same degree, but certainly the exercise is not a fruitless endeavor. So what about from the perspectives of the three concerns above?
While team composition can certainly affect how a team perceives the degree of need for architecture, my experience has been that even the most seasoned team can benefit from defining architectural guidance for their project. I like to think of it in terms of an orchestra. The most talented musicians need the notes of the musical score to play to. It’s simply a way for them to all stay in tune with one another. While the action of defining architecture is done by the role of “architect”, the person fulfilling that role may alternate within a team of pros. The net result is a team that operates at a higher level of coordination yielding a higher overall velocity.
The need for architecture on a team with junior members is even more pronounced. Without a clear picture of what these team members need to do, the project can and will degrade into a mire of spaghetti and unmaintainable code. Architectural guidance gives these junior team members development goals and a clearer picture of what they are trying to achieve. It makes clearer the constraints that they need to operate within. This has been invaluable as a communication tool for our team, which has a number of junior team members. It helps to frame conversations and eliminates ambiguity. Rework is down substantially since going with a process that involves an architect role.
The solutions that my company develops are not your average run of the mill line of business applications. They are sophisticated custom solutions that bring predictive analytical models to different vertical markets. They challenge us from many angles including data acquisition, cleansing, modeling, and delivery. Scalability, security, and flexibility all contribute to additional complexity. As a result, delivery of these kinds of products requires management of the technical details and the best way to do that is through architecture and design. However, don’t be fooled into thinking that only sophisticated projects require this level of attention. Even basic LOB applications would benefit from architecture and design in order to reduce duplication, improve reuse, and generally improve maintainability.
Our company is no stranger to tight delivery timelines. Our clients need results quickly to improve their bottom line and our solutions are intended to help with that. In the end, this becomes a value proposition where architecture and design is pitted against time to market. A product that doesn’t meet its objectives because it can’t perform well, can’t interoperate well, or is overly expensive to maintain isn’t a solution – it’s an impediment. Many projects forego the effort of defining architecture and design and instead jump right to the implementation phase. While it can get you over the hump in a hurry to deliver a product, the long-term costs of this can be quite extreme. How many projects have had to be rewritten simply because of decisions like this?
Wrapping Up
This has been a long post and if you made it this far, thanks! In conclusion, I argue in favor of applying sound application architecture and design to the projects I work on because I see their benefit. That benefit comes to teams of all types, projects of varying degrees of complexity, and timelines that are either reasonable or tightly compressed. My advice to you? Take the time to define the architecture of your solution, apply sound design principles to the product, and reap the rewards. Those rewards will be overall improved team velocity and a lower defect and rework rate. These will also have the effect of improved morale on the team because they’ll come away with an improved sense of accomplishment and pride in their workmanship.
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